The Clipper Debearder Pro is a multi-purpose machine available with optional variable speed controls to handle a wide variety of jobs with ease. Originally designed to debeard barley, it has become one of the most versatile machines in the entire Clipper line.
Standard Features:
- Two Bottom Cleanout Doors
- Top Access Door
- Adjusting Motor Base & Guard
- Heavy Duty Machined Stress Proof Shaft and Bearings
- Offset Feed Inlet For Proper Rotation
- Heat Treated Beater Arms (Increased By 50% On Depth) & Fixed Shaft Rotation
- Weighted Discharge Gate to Vary Product Conditioning
- 7 Gauge Drum For Increased Life
- Heavy Duty Base With Forklift Slots.
- Up to 500 BPH
- Various Motor Drive Packages of 50 or 60 Hertz, Single or Three Phase, TEFC or Ex-Proof
- Electronic Variable Speed with Inverter Duty Motor.
- Optional Round Heat Treated Hammer for Outside Housing for Gentle Malt Processing